Tax exempt Strategies

Future Taxation is very uncertain. If all of the money you have set aside to grow is Tax Deferred, then consider what potential future taxation might actually look like. History has shown us that tax rates will change. There are essentially two ways to reduce our national debt: spend less or tax more. What do you think the future will hold for our country as bills come due?

Many are discovering that after the Tax Man takes his cut, they don’t really have as much as they expected or even need. Most people do not properly manage or consider future taxation when saving. This is an important part of our our process. Tax exempt strategies give us the ability to create more buying power for our clients and remove the tax man from the equation.

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By John Gardner August 31, 2018
Everyone automatically has an estate! That will be news to many who read this. What do you mean I already have an Estate? You literally have to do nothing to have an estate. An Estate by definition is “all the money and property owned by a particular person, especially at death.” In other words, all of your assets, personal property, real estate, life insurance, automobiles, etc. make up your estate. Nothing is required for you to have an estate. Your estate will be disbursed one of two ways. According to your wishes and directives or the governments and judges will decide for you and your family. Either you decide or the government will!

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