Empower Your Financial Journey

Where do we go to get a functional financial education?. Many don’t know what questions to ask. If you google financial planning you can easily become overwhelmed with what is presented to you. Our hope is that this is a space where you can begin to discover what is important to you about creating your plan. We are here to bridge the gap between what people are intimidated to learn, and what they need to know. We are a group of like minded professionals looking to offer value to our community to create meaningful change financially. Enjoy the resources and feel free to email us with any questions or suggestions.

It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so. ”


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By John Gardner August 31, 2018
Everyone automatically has an estate! That will be news to many who read this. What do you mean I already have an Estate? You literally have to do nothing to have an estate. An Estate by definition is “all the money and property owned by a particular person, especially at death.” In other words, all of your assets, personal property, real estate, life insurance, automobiles, etc. make up your estate. Nothing is required for you to have an estate. Your estate will be disbursed one of two ways. According to your wishes and directives or the governments and judges will decide for you and your family. Either you decide or the government will!
By John Gardner June 26, 2018
No more compounding interest.
By Rob Foss March 9, 2018
Don’t forget to play defense
By Rob Foss February 2, 2018
You can’t see me
By Rob Foss March 2, 2018
Paying Uncle Sam to much?
By John Gardner July 7, 2017
Tax Deferral Myth
By Rob Foss March 9, 2018
Don’t forget to play defense
By Rob Foss February 2, 2018
You can’t see me
By John Gardner July 1, 2017
Fear of missing out
By John Gardner August 31, 2018
Everyone automatically has an estate! That will be news to many who read this. What do you mean I already have an Estate? You literally have to do nothing to have an estate. An Estate by definition is “all the money and property owned by a particular person, especially at death.” In other words, all of your assets, personal property, real estate, life insurance, automobiles, etc. make up your estate. Nothing is required for you to have an estate. Your estate will be disbursed one of two ways. According to your wishes and directives or the governments and judges will decide for you and your family. Either you decide or the government will!
By Rob Foss January 5, 2018
The legacy we create inside of those around us.
By John Gardner July 7, 2017
Tax Deferral Myth


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